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Monthly Meets



Welcome to our new web site.. This site is a work in progress supported by volunteers who share their design talent and time to maintain the site. We indulge your patience and welcome your constructive comments and willingness to help. If interested, please e-mail:

Thank you for your interest.

Our Mission

The Northeast Fiddlers Association, Inc is dedicated to preserving and promoting Old-Time Fiddling and its related arts and skills. 

Who we are

The Northeast Fiddlers Association, Inc is a non-profit organization comprised of fiddlers, other musicians and supporters located in the Northeastern Regions of North America. It's home office is located in the state of Vermont (USA).       More

Contact Information

Bill Cameron, President
3748 Eagle Peak Road
Brookfield, VT  05060
Tel. (802) 431-3901
Roger Perrault, Chairperson
Board of Trustees
4 Prescott Street
Essex Jct., VT 05452

Maxine Young, Treasurer
230 Russell Rd
Tunbridge, VT. 05077
Tel. (802)-763-8274


Electronic mail
General Information: CompanyEmail
Webmaster: CompanyWebmaster  

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