Membership Registration


Monthly Meets




Northeast Fiddlers Association, Inc.

Who we are:

The Northeast Fiddlers Association® was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1966. The Association’s mission is to preserve and promote Old -Time fiddling and its related arts and skills and is now considered one of the larger organizations dedicated to this end in the United States. This is accomplished by establishing, maintaining and carrying on activities requisite to the gathering, promotion, revival, study, publication, presentation, and reconstruction of the traditional lore, music, and history of the Northeast region of the United States and adjacent regions of Canada. To this end, we encourage our fiddling members to learn and play traditional old-time tunes as was played in the Northeast in early America as well as recently composed fiddle tunes in the style of old time fiddling.

What we do:

We publish a monthly newsletter of club activities and upcoming fiddling events. Each month, we provide an informal concert, free to the public, at various locations throughout Vermont, usually the first Sunday of the month. These informal concerts provide a venue for fiddlers and followers to socialize, dance, and enjoy the music; fiddlers have an opportunity to share tunes and techniques. Up and until 2008, each year we sponsored the Northeast Regional Fiddlers’ Contest and Festival. Due to the downturn in the economy, this event has not been held. The event drew numerous fiddlers and fans from across the North Eastern United States and adjacent provinces of Canada. The contest was certified by the National Old -Time Fiddler’s Contest in Weiser Idaho. The Northeast Regional winner was invited to participate in the National Competition and was honored at the National Fiddlers’ Hall of Fame. The Northeast Regional contest was selected several times by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce as one of the “Top Ten Events” in the state of Vermont. We are frequently asked to perform at county field days and fairs, municipal parades, and numerous other events. We maintain a web site at

Organizational Structure:

A six member Board of Trustees governs the Northeast Fiddlers Association. A Trustee is elected for three years. Each year, the membership elects two board members replacing those whose terms have expired.

The Officers of the Northeast Fiddlers Association consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They are nominated annually by the Board of Trustees and elected for terms of one year by the general membership at the annual election meeting.

Financial Support:

Our financial support is derived primarily form donations and fund raising gigs. Donations are welcome and they are tax deductible.